December 11
Prayer of the Day
Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”
—Matthew 22:37
Lord, enable me to teach my child to love You above all other things, with all of his heart, soul, mind, and strength. Give me the desire and the discipline to make daily prayer, reading the Bible, and attending church and Sunday School a regular part of family life. Help me to make my child’s spiritual development the first priority, more important than his intellectual, academic, and physical development. And empower me to be exemplary in the way I live, for actions speak louder than words, especially at home.
More Prayers
- 30 Jan: We Call Out to You
- 29 Jan: As Christ Forgave
- 28 Jan: Building Our House on You
- 27 Jan: Let Your Justice Reign
- 26 Jan: May We Know Your Name