January 30
Prayer of the Day
[Jonah said] “In my distress I called to the LORD,
and he answered me.
From deep in the realm of the dead I called for help,
and you listened to my cry.
Jonah 2:2
Loving God, thank You for listening to and answering our prayers in our time of need, according to Your perfect will and timing. May my children call upon You in prayer for matters both big and small, and know that You are faithful and present with them always. Cultivate within me and my children a prayerful disposition, and use me as Your instrument to teach them the value of communing with You unceasingly.
More Prayers
- 17 Feb: We Come To You
- 16 Feb: Sinners Saved By Grace
- 15 Feb: Making Your Disciples
- 14 Feb: As You Will
- 13 Feb: For You