November 9
Prayer of the Day
[Caleb said] “Here I am today, eighty-five years old! . . . I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then.”
Joshua 14:10–11
Lord, sometimes I feel so tired and drained from all my responsibilities as a parent. I don’t know whether I can endure through another day, let alone another week or month ahead with everything that’s on my plate. Please help me to focus not on my own weakness but on Your power—just as Caleb did when he was about to drive out his enemies from the promised land. Help me to depend on Your strength, so that I can do all things with “the Lord helping me” (Joshua 14:12).
More Prayers
- 01 Feb: What You Require of Us
- 31 Jan: Whatever We Do
- 30 Jan: We Call Out to You
- 29 Jan: As Christ Forgave
- 28 Jan: Building Our House on You