March 14
Prayer of the Day
“This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”
Acts 1:11
Loving Saviour, forgive me for my doubt and forgetfulness when I think about Your second coming. I confess that the reality and immediacy of this world—including the needs of my family—is at times more real and urgent to me than preparing for Your return. Yet, You have warned us to be ready and watchful (Matthew 25:13). Give me eyes to see from Your divine and eternal perspective so that I will eagerly await Your coming, and exhort my children to do the same.
More Prayers
- 14 Feb: As You Will
- 13 Feb: For You
- 12 Feb: Turning Our Children to You
- 11 Feb: Our Five Loaves and Two Fish
- 10 Feb: May We Be Fruitful for You