February 27
Prayer of the Day
[Jesus said] “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.”
Luke 16:13
O Lord, I confess of the times that I’ve tried to straddle between worshipping You and worshipping money. You have made it clear that we cannot serve both. I repent of my greed and covetousness, and ask that You create in me a clean heart—a heart that is contented in and devoted to You. Help me not to be anxious about money, but to trust that You are my family’s provider. I trust in You, and commit my family’s financial situation into Your hands.
More Prayers
- 05 Feb: The Mighty Warrior Who Saves
- 04 Feb: Yet I Will Rejoice
- 03 Feb: Your Ways and Thoughts
- 02 Feb: Have Compassion on Us
- 01 Feb: What You Require of Us