November 29
Prayer of the Day
Is not wisdom found among the aged?
Does not long life bring understanding?
Job 12:12
God, help me to humbly seek and receive the counsel of those who have gone before me in life. Whether it is my own parents, in-laws, fellow parents, or grandparents out there, help me to put aside any pride that I may have, and to be willing to learn from their wisdom and experiences. I pray that my children, too, would also desire to listen to us as parents, as well as those who are ahead of them in this race of faith, that they may be encouraged and edified in their own walk with You.
More Prayers
- 17 Feb: We Come To You
- 16 Feb: Sinners Saved By Grace
- 15 Feb: Making Your Disciples
- 14 Feb: As You Will
- 13 Feb: For You