September 7
Prayer of the Day
The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
Colossians 1:15
Emmanuel, You are God with us, the image of our Father in heaven, fully God and fully human. Through Your life, death, and resurrection, You have granted us forgiveness for our sins and redeemed our human nature. May we live a life worthy of You and please You in every way as we reflect Your love to our children, teach them Your Word, and encourage them to persevere in their walk with You, by Your grace (Colossians 1:10–11). Enable and equip our family, by Your Spirit and with Your Word, to grow and be rooted in our faith, come what may.
More Prayers
- 12 Sep: Help Me Love My Wife
- 11 Sep: Help Me Submit to My Husband
- 10 Sep: May Our Family Worship You
- 09 Sep: Help Me to Bear and Forgive
- 08 Sep: Christ in Us