This is the second part of a two-part series on how we can pray with those we love. Read Part 1 here.
Praying together was one of the main priorities of married life in the New Testament. Peter wanted husbands to treat their wives with respect, “so that nothing will hinder your prayers” (1 Peter 3:7).
And, Paul told husbands and wives in Corinth that they could abstain briefly from physical affection to “devote yourselves to prayer” (1 Corinthians 7:5).
Scripture makes it clear that when both are believers, husbands and wives should share the blessing and responsibility of praying together.
When we pray together, we welcome Jesus’s presence and peace into our married lives. As we spend time with Him, He enables us to love each other through His spirit in ways that we cannot in our own strength. Where He is, hearts are changed and homes are blessed.
1. Find Time
How we spend time in prayer together is not as important as simply doing it. Doing it isn’t as difficult as we’re sometimes tempted to think. Even a few moments spent before God in prayer can make a huge difference in crucial aspects of our lives.
In Part 1, we considered the normal routines of our lives to find time to pray with children, and the same applies to couples praying together.
If prayer is something waiting to be scheduled, it may not happen. But if it’s built into a routine that always occurs, it will soon become a regular part of your life.
When are you naturally together? Is it in the evening when you go to bed, or in the morning when you first wake up?
If prayer is something waiting to be scheduled, it may not happen. But if it’s built into a routine that always occurs, it will soon become a regular part of your life.
2. Pray Silently
For couples who have never tried praying together, it may be helpful to begin by praying silently. One partner is usually more vocal than another, and this helps keep balance and make it less intimidating if either is uncomfortable praying aloud.
First, mention what you would like to pray about. Then hold hands, close your eyes, and pray. When you’ve finished praying, squeeze your spouse’s hand to let him or her know you’re finished.
Praying this way is so easy, it can happen anywhere: in a crowded restaurant, a hospital waiting room, or in bed first thing in the morning or at the end of the day.
When you pray, God is at work in both of you, communicating on a deeper level than words could ever reach.
Praying together helps with communication in marriage, even when words are not said. When you pray, God is at work in both of you, communicating on a deeper level than words could ever reach.
Simply sitting together quietly in His presence can open the door to miracles. God wants our marriages to be blessed and waits to move powerfully in our lives when we pray together.
3. Be Creative
Another great way for couples to begin to pray together is to simply thank God for each other. Take turns thanking God for the things you love about each other. You may be surprised to hear what your husband or wife is thankful for!
Sometimes it’s easier to say things to God about our spouse than it is to say them directly.
After you have thanked God for each other, ask Him to bless your spouse and then intercede for each other.
Some of the most tender moments a husband and wife can share together are in prayer. This is especially true when you pray for each other’s heartfelt needs. When you hear someone who knows you intimately and loves you dearly interceding for a special need in your life, you cannot help being moved.
Take turns thanking God for the things you love about each other. You may be surprised to hear what your husband or wife is thankful for!
God will pour fresh grace into your relationship with Him and with each other as you make time to pray together. Be creative!
Try praying for each other at a set time every day when you are apart or arranging a “prayer date” in a place that is meaningful to both of you. Make a commitment to grow in prayer together, and ask God to show you how. Praying together protects marriages because it grounds them in power and the Word of God.
Truly amazing things await us when we reach up together in prayer.
What will your blessing be? A legacy of love that reaches well beyond your years? Loved ones saved and helped by prayers that outlive you, monuments to God’s almighty power? He’s done it before, and He’ll do it again!
God’s mercies, new every morning, will never fail you. He is faithful!
Read Part 1 of this two-part series on how we can start praying with those we love.
Extracted and adapted from Praying Together, published by Discovery House Publishers © 2016 by James Banks.