In our “Parenting Chats” video series, Lim Chien Chong, a father of two and Teaching & Resource Director at Singapore Youth For Christ, shares biblical insights and practical tips on helping children cope with studies and exams.

How can parents make learning fun and meaningful, while keeping in mind the necessity and importance of exams in Singapore? In this session, Chien Chong zooms in on how parents can find a balance between pushing their children to study and giving them the space to learn, so that they will enjoy the experience of learning.

To watch the next session, How Does God Really View Education?, click here.


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Lim Chien Chong has been with the Singapore Youth For Christ since 1998, and is its Teaching & Resource Director. He serves in the pulpit, Bible class and children’s ministry in his church, and teaches in churches and youth groups across Singapore. He has been married for 20 years and has two teenage sons.
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