What If My Child Is Just Not Interested in the Bible?
Three parents share their views on their experience and expertise in engaging young ones in the Word of God.
Three parents share their views on their experience and expertise in engaging young ones in the Word of God.
How can a parent respond in a helpful and constructive way? A father of two shares some practical advice.
Just before bedtime isn’t the only opportunity to talk to your kids. Look out for “teachable moments”—and accept that there are also times when they just don’t want to talk, says Lim Chien Chong.
How should a parent respond, and are there ways to prevent it from happening again? A father of two shares some insights and advice.
A father discovers that parenting is not just about nurturing his children, but also about his own maturing.
Discipline does not necessarily mean harsh punishment. We can teach our children what is right and wrong in a loving, godly way.
Sitting down with three parents, Anne, Fung Fong, and Chien Chong share their experiences on starting those difficult conversations with their children about love, sex, and marriage.
As parents, we hope our children will do well in school. But how can we do this without exasperating our kids, or worse—driving them in the opposite direction?
What can a parent do to mend a rocky relationship with their child? A father of two shares some advice.
What can parents do to nurture their children’s EQ? A father of two shares some practical tips.