Two adorable 6-year-olds share their version of the Christmas story as they answer: What presents did Jesus receive? What would you give Jesus for His birthday? Direct your children to a deeper understanding of Christmas with Christmas-related readings from Issue 3 of Give Us This Day. Written for families in Asia, the third volume of this popular children’s devotional packs another 31 daily readings that promise to engage the young ones with fun-filled stories they can identify with.
Like what you read? Subscribe to eight issues of Give Us This Day from 2020 to 2021 (a 31-day issue per quarter).


Christmas-related readings from Give Us This Day #3

1. A Christmas Letter
2. Cradle, Cross and Crown
3. Don’t Be Afraid
4. Happy Birthday
5. I’ve Seen It Myself
6. Presents For Jesus
7. The Perfect Gift

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